Work Shouldn't Hurt - Support International RSI Awareness Day

While I sit here writing about the upcoming 17th Annual International RSI Awareness Day,  Monday, February 29th, I cannot help but feel sad and a little angry about my close friend's recent development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and how precautions could have been taken to help prevent CTS had she and her employer been more aware of the disorder and its serious consequences.
Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) is a general term used to describe pain and strain of the muscle, tendon or nerves, typically associated with repetition, awkward posture and overuse of the hands, wrists, arms and shoulders. It is also known as:
  • Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs, MSDs)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
  • Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)
 In Ontario alone, government statistics indicate MSDs account for:
  • 42% of all lost-time claims
  • 42% of all lost-time claim costs
  • 50% of all lost-time days. (Averages for 1996–2004)
Those are huge numbers and there is growing evidence that suggests Participatory Ergonomics (PE) , where workers and employers get together to identify and address the risks associated with these soft tissue injuries can be effective.
According to Canada's Institute for Work and Health (IWH), participatory ergonomics programs help to increase awareness of ergonomic issues, which is key to preventing injury. Read more...
And even though you may not be directly affected by these disorders, your support will help increase the awareness. It is estimated that RSIs cost our society indirectly $26 billion dollars annually. As noted by the Worker Health and Safety Centre, approximately 2.3 million Canadians are affected by RSIs every year.
So What Can Be Done?
Find out more at Workers Health & Safety Centre Central Ontario
Please Visit @RSIDay on Twitter and tweet your support!
Work shouldn't hurt!
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